Humana has been advertising via Branded Content with USA Today for multiple quarters, each year culminating with its sponsorship of the National Senior Games in late Spring. As a sort of "Index" for all of Humana's pieces, Humana also has a "Hub" that then links out to each of these individual pages. Throughout time and multiple edits to this Hub, things were looking a bit disorganized and not very professional or cohesive. Suggesting we take a look at starting this design over and align it better with the National Senior Games Branding, Humana agreed and was overjoyed with the result of this rework.

For context this is a showcase of how this Hub looked prior to the relaunch

Humana's Interactive to help athletes get prepared for the National Senior Games also showing the reach of this new branding style.
This page won "Top Performing Best of Branded Content" from Pressboard Media
This page won "Top Performing Best of Branded Content" from Pressboard Media